Ubiquiti Edgerouter – Enabling the LAN with a routed /48 IPv6 prefix

In the last post we had established an IPv6 end-point tunnel between our Ubiquiti Edgerouter and Hurricane Electrics free tunnel broker service. Now that connectivity has been established we need to enable the LAN to support IPv6.

I took the option of enabling the additional /48 routed prefix, this would allow use of the existing /64 as a point-to-point link between Hurricane Electric and the Edgerouter, with the /48 being used for whatever I’d like on the local area network.

On my LAN side, ethernet port 1, I allocated one /64 prefix from my /48:

ethernet eth1 {
address 2001:470:X:1::1/64

Next was to configure the router advertisement protocol to correctly give the additional information required for autoconfiguration to work on the LAN:

 ipv6 {
     router-advert {
         link-mtu 1480
         prefix 2001:470:X:1::/64 {
         send-advert true

Even though our LAN MTU is much higher at 1500, I modified it to 1480 to match what is configured on the tunnel.

I opened a command prompt on my Windows P.C. after comitting those changes, and typed ipconfig /renew then ipconfig to see if my device had been allocated an IPv6 address:

Temporary IPv6 Address. . . . . . : 2001:470:X:1:b46e:eef2:55fc:b622

Perfect! My device is now correctly picking up IPv6 addressing, and can we ping an IPv6 website?

Pinging [2a04:4e42::81] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 2a04:4e42::81: time=21ms
Reply from 2a04:4e42::81: time=20ms
Reply from 2a04:4e42::81: time=21ms
Reply from 2a04:4e42::81: time=22ms

From the results of the ping above, it looks to be working perfectly fine.

We’ll need to secure the prefix now, since every address is now pubically accessable with no NAT to hide behind! The next post will demonstate on how that will be configured.







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